Friday 24 January 2020

True story of a doll who inspired the creation of Chucky. | Robert- The Enchanted Doll


The famous doll chucky from the hit 1980's horror classic movie "Child's Play" is an iconic character in horror genre. Millions of movie lovers loved this sinister toy. However what most don't know is that, this character as well as every part of it is based on a real doll with the terrifying legacy of its very own. This classical doll, who is known as 'Robert the doll' is said to be possessed by a malicious and vengeful spirit. His disturbing tale has earned its rank as one of the most twisted tales of the paranormal. Today we'll going to know the complete story of Robert- the enchanted doll.

Robert the doll

In the movie, Chucky is given to a small boy as a birthday gift from his mother. Initially the boy is excited about receiving the toy that he had always wanted. However as time passed, the boy realizes that this doll is not a normal toy, as Chucky revealed himself as a living toy that commits dangerous acts at every chance he gets. This part is originated from a doll that was given to 10 year old boy named Robert Eugene Otto. He and his family was from Key West, Florida and they were very rich and well known family in the town. The Otto family owned a plantation and had many servants who work for them. Eugene's mother, Mrs. Otto was said to be very strict with the servants. One day, she caught one servant practising black magic, Mrs. Otto became so much angry that she immidiately fired him. As form of revenge, the servant gave Eugene a doll as a gift after using voodoo to possess it with an evil spirit. The doll was 3 feet tall and dressed in a sailor's outfit, holding a small lion by his side. Unknown from the intentions, Eugene happily accepted the doll. Although Eugene's first name was Robert but he was simply referred to his family as Gene. Because of this, he decided to give the doll his first name Robert. Gene always carried Robert wherever he went, treating it as one of the family. He often talk to Robert as if it was an actual person. He even gave him a place at the dining table, pretending to feed the doll. At first, everything seems normal, as Gene attracted towards doll like most children do with their favourite doll. However as time went on, things took a bizzare turn and Gene's doll quickly bacame something.

Gene always had his entire conversations with Robert and during these conversations, the family always hear a strange voice which replying to their son. At first, they thought that Gene was making that strange voice himself but after some time they realize that the voice they heard was much deeper and heavier and a child like Gene could not possibly create that voice. After several days, Gene started having terrifying experiences with doll. Robert always sleep with Gene on the same bed. On several occasions, Mr. and Mrs. Otto heard Gene's screaming in midnight. Upon entering, they found that furniture was thrown all over the room. Gene was in his bed and Robert was sitting in the corner, nearly glancing at them. Gene claimed that Robert was the one who's behind it all. This incident quickly spread in all over the town. The family claimed they saw Robert moving all around the house in several occasions and wherever he was, they could hear a creepy giggle sound coming from the direction. Even some of the neighbors claimed that they saw from their window that Robert was moving inside the house. Eventually Otto family had enough and locked Robert in the attic finally leaving him there for years, but this step didn't stop Robert. A guest who visited the house claimed that he heard footsteps and a voice which sounded like evil laughter from the attic above.

Robert Eugene Otto (adult)

As Gene grew old, his obsession for doll never went away. Mr. Otto (Gene's father) eventually passed away and Gene inherited all the property including home where he settled with his wife and during this time, Gene became a well known artist in the Key West. Despite of his terrified experiences, Gene couldn't help himself and he reunite with his doll Robert, returning to his old obsession, something which was hated by his wife. Ann (Gene's wife) couldn't stand being in the presence of such sinister doll but despite this, Gene continued with his obsession. At night, he place the doll in a chair in the couple's bedroom while they slept and even take Robert with him when he paint and put the doll at his side. This obsession of Gene causes big conflict between him and his wife. Just like during childhood, neighbors claim that they saw Robert was moving in the room from their window.

Gene's Grave

As time went on, Gene started acting strange and would often have unimaginable mood swings. These mood swings were ranges from insane rage to complete illogical behavior, then back to the normal state. This took a great impact on Ann because she was physically tortured during these episodes. Returning from his episode, Gene wouldn't even remembered what happened and always blamed Robert for his condition. Gene passed away in June 24, 1974 and after some short time, his wife also passed away. After some time, a new family came to live in the house and the dreadful process started all over again. In a family, there is a 10 year old girl who found Robert in same attic and just like before, the girl attached to the doll. Robert again afflicted the girl with terrible nightmares and even caused a lot of traumatic accidents with her and her family. But, instead of locking up in the attic, the family gave Robert to the nearby Fort cast East Mortello Museum where he remains till date.

East Mortello Museum, Florida

He is kept in a glass box in the basement where he is frequently visited by beleivers and non-beleivers alike. It is said that Robert doesn't like when someone take his pictures without his permission. People who desregard this rule, soon suffer from many kinds of severe misfortunes. Around Robert's glass box, there are numerous amounts of apology letters came from many people who have knowingly crossed their boundaries and suffered the consequences. Some people even level offerings in the hope that Robert will forgive them for their behavior. As the years passed, Robert's fame grown to the point where he is known throughout the Internet. He even has his own social media pages which was caretaken by museum. Some people claimed that they felt some strong negative presence around the box and some even claimed that they they feel some change in Robert's face expression when they look directly on his face. People who have seen Robert of close claimed that he can move in the box while some claimed that he even can move from out of the box during the night.

An apology letter by one of a victim

Whether Robert is possessed by real spirit or not is up for debate. Many people believed that the story to be fake, while others claim it to be justified. While Robert's existence is debated, there is no denying that the impact he create on paranormal community, though he might still be sitting in the glass box, his presence slowly creeps his way in the minds of million peoples.

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